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The Book of Change
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Changed @ 20:07 - Link - comments
The first two things I saw when I woke yesterevening were a journal entry and a message, both written by the same person. I sent messages to those of the guildkin who were awake ... I searched the guild ... but all to no avail. It was too late ... Skyelark had left the lands.
We'd grown closer over recent times, sitting and chatting at the guildhall when we both had the time to do so. It's good to have someone to talk things over with, and I can only hope those chats lifted Skyelark's spirits as much as they did mine. Though maybe not,in view of the fact she's no longer here. Seems I failed to help someone as I hoped I could ... again.
Skyelark ... fellow rogue, guildkin, friend ... I hope your future path takes you to a place of peace and contentment. It's been a joy and an honour to have known you.

Fall festival has come and gone. It's been an enjoyable time. Gatherings and taletellings to attend, contests and competitions to take part in. I'm gateful to those who organised the events ... and even more so to those who thought some of my efforts deserved recognition!

The season, though, was not all joyful for me. The PallasFish had no scurvy pirate captain to pit his wits against, and to continue the tale from last time. And there were others too who I did not see, others who slept through much of the festivities, or who had little or no time to exchange a few words. But all in all, it's been an enjoyable time. The costumes are now packed away 'til next festival, the banditos have gone back to ... well, wherever banditos go!

Though each festival passes in it's own time, we have to hope that the friendship and fellowship remain in the lands - for without that we are lost.
Friday, 13 November 2009
Changed @ 20:44 - Link - comments (1)
Well, the so-called rumour turned out to be nothing but a simple misunderstanding, as I'd expected. Just a case of getting the names of two different places mixed together. It was something that I'd have thought anyone speaking with the person concerned would have noticed. But it's cleared up, that's the main thing.

I've spent a lot of time these last few days sitting quietly and alone in a particular place. And I rested there too - which made a pleasant change from some of the places I've ended up sleeping! A few of us stood in that place - sometimes it seems so long ago, sometimes it seems just the blink of an eye. Seven of us there were altogether. I can picture them all perfectly, and recall what was said. But now? Now I spend time wondering where they all are.

I woke a few marcs ago, to hear Ellyana calling. We met at the guildhall, in the new section she's recently completed, and of which she is so proud. Our time together was, as ever, painfully short. But tonight at least, I will go to my rest accompanied by thoughts more pleasant than the usual day's memory of innumerable horrors assailing me at every turn.

The anniversary of that day has passed, but the memories have not, and will not, pass. I recall some words of Ellyana's, words I wrote here in this journal when I related an account of that day. Words that live in my heart and burn in my soul and mean as much to me now as ever.

One heart ... one soul ... one life ... one love
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Changed @ 18:56 - Link - comments (1)
There's nothing worse than being given only a few facts about anything. Some rumour or other started working it's way around the lands apparently. At least that's what I was told when I woke yesterevening.
So, I tried to find out about something about it ... and all that led to was a slight disagreement with someone other than the one who'd spoken to me of the matter.
Rumours of a rumour ...I need somebody willing to speak of it. And then I'd imagine the matter might be explained, and all will know how one event got turned into news of another.
It was suggested I speak to the guildkin about the matter. So I went somewhere quiet and waited for a response to greetings I sent to those of the guild I saw ...

... and waited. It was as though I was speaking down into that hole in the floor of the Dundee Inn.

There is, sometimes, nothing more deafening than silence.
Monday, 09 November 2009
Changed @ 17:42 - Link - comments
Well, it took some time, and I had to track down a fair few banditos, but at last I have the Fall Festival costume I was hoping to find. Once more the PallasFish is in the lands!

I see I've not had an opportunity to write here since the start of Fall festival. There's been the usual round of events, celebrations, and taletellings. I've attended as many as possible. One event in which I didn't participate was pumpkin-carving. Any talent I have doesn't lie in that direction, but many are gifted in such things and I notice that Ellyana and a few others are carrying around the lanterns they carved for the event.
A few days ago I heard tell of a bandito up in the Explorer's camp in the crags. Ellyana had not by then found a token, so we went to hunt the bandito down. It took quite a while, after Ellyana's famed sense of direction came into play! She has of course designed her own costume for Festival time, but wished to find at least one bandito. She killed him, and scooped up the token from the ground next to his body. I've been wondering what outfit the costumer offered in return for it.

The other evening, there was a taletelling at the Vanguard hall. I found the oddest place there. A shrouded crater at the bottom of which burns a strange fire. Mists blow and dance around the fire ... and at one point, I'm told, the mist came together, reached out - and just took Sage from where he stood by that fire.

Yesterevening, at a taletelling, I'd just taken a place before the assembly to recite a short story when an enchanters staff burst forth light and fire. Everyone was taken aback, to say the least. I'm still not sure whether it was an accident on the part of the enchanter, or if some unknown force had caused her staff to act of it's own accord.

So ... a couple of strange events on which to ponder ... and hopefully discover what actually happened. Yes, Fall Festival is in full swing, with it's usual mix of celebration and oddities!